Gwinn, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for population and steets in Gwinn City, Georgia, you've come to the right place. The following information will help you learn about this city's population. The map below provides an overview of each neighborhood's crime rate, along with crime statistics, including violent crime. Compared to other areas, the crime rate in Gwinn City is slightly higher in the northeast. In addition, violent crime occurs less in the city's northwest area.

The Gwinn City population is approximately 1,261. The city has two jails. The Gwinn City Jail houses male and female adult offenders. Gwinn's population is projected to grow by about two hundred people by 2020. This is a small town, but the city's downtown is currently undergoing renovation. The Community Clubhouse has recently undergone exterior masonry restoration.

The most common racial or ethnic group in Gwinn is White. The second-most common race is Hispanic. A large percentage of Gwinn residents are American citizens. The city has a high number of Vietnam veterans. The median age in Gwinn is 34. With this large number of veterans, it is no wonder the city is home to many military families. Despite the size of the military population, residents are proud to be part of a diverse community.

In Gwinn, Michigan, the median property value is $83,700. This is 0.348 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate in Gwinn is 90.8%. The average commute time is 22.5 minutes. The median home price in Gwinn is $114,100. The home appreciation over the past decade is 9.2%. There are about two jobs for every person in Gwinn, MI.