Howard City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Howard City, Michigan, you've come to the right place. This information will help you find out all you need to know about this mid-sized city, located 25 miles inland from Lake Michigan. The best months to visit Howard City are July, August, and June, while the coldest are January and December. The city is a mid-sized suburb of Grand Rapids, the primary business and cultural hub of western Michigan. In the past, the city's economy has been based on the furniture industry, but that has since changed to high-tech office furniture.

The median age of residents of Howard City, MI was 34.8 years old in 2019. This figure includes both native-born people and foreign-born citizens. The median age of residents was 34 in 2018, and 37 in 2019. In Howard City, Michigan, the most common country of birth for foreign-born people was Mexico, with 80,443 natives coming from this country. Another common country of origin was India, with 73,340 residents. In addition, 55,052 residents came from Iraq.

Crime rates in Howard City are lower than the national and state averages. Drug-related crimes are far less common in the north than in the west. The north and northwest parts of Howard City are relatively safe, while the west and south areas are more dangerous. However, residents of these areas are advised to stay in residential neighborhoods. It's not always easy to decide which neighborhoods are the best choices. And there's no one size-fits-all neighborhood.