Jenison, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Jenison City is roughly 30,000 people. More than a third of these people commute to work by car, bicycle, or walk. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 57% of Jenison residents have at least a bachelor's degree. Twenty percent of residents have a master's or professional degree. The main occupations of the people living in Jenison City are described below. The city has a diverse population, with a majority of people working in service, manufacturing, and professional fields.

The population of Jenison City is largely determined by the number of people working in the area. There are also many people employed in the surrounding area, including factories and other industries. The city is within 37 miles of two major cities, Grand Rapids and Detroit. This location is good for those who want to raise a family or relocate to the city. If you are looking to make a change from your current situation, Jenison may be the perfect place for you.

The average price of a single-family home in Jenison, Michigan is $257,959. A one-bedroom apartment in the city costs around $800 per month. The average rainfall and snowfall in Jenison are both high. The average temperature and humidity can affect your personal climate. Make sure to check the average temperature, the number of clouds per day, and the number of rainy days.