Munger, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Munger City, Nebraska? These facts can help you decide if this is the city for you. It's important to understand the population makeup of any city, and Munger is no different. The area is home to approximately 38,921 people, who make up a diverse mix of people from all walks of life. This city is home to approximately 6.8% Schedule Caste (SC) people and 0.2% Schedule Tribe (ST) population.

Property crime rates in Munger are 6.15 crimes per thousand residents. This means that you have a greater risk of being a victim of property crime if you live in the northwest part of Munger. However, the northeast area of the city is considered the safest. In areas with few residents, you may encounter property crime at a rate of one in 124. That's not as alarming as it seems, but it is something to consider when you're making a decision on a neighborhood.

If you're a parent, it's important to have convenient childcare options for your little ones. There are a few options in Munger Place, including City Doc Uptown Urgent Care, For Keep's Sake Inc., and Hopewell Development & Achievement Center. You can also get tacos at Meso Maya and Stackhouse Burgers, which are popular with residents. If you'd rather dine-in, you may also want to check out Niwa Japanese BBQ.