Nisula, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in NiSula City? This article will show you the most recent statistics and information on Nisula's population. You can also find out where the crime is the worst, based on crime maps. Crime rates are calculated by comparing how many crimes occur per thousand residents. Nisula's property crime rate is lower than the state average, and is safer than most cities of its size.

The ZIP code for Nisula is 49952, and is located in Houghton County, Michigan. Its official USPS name is NISULA, Michigan. Part of this zip code is within the city limits. The area code is 906 and the median home value is $123,900. The median home value is slightly higher than the Houghton county average. The population is mostly white and older, with most residents married. The median home value is $123,900, which is higher than the Houghton area's average.