Oscoda, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population and Steets of Oscoda City, Michigan? This information comes from the US Census Bureau's American Community Survey. It is based on raw head count data and population density per square mile. You can view a complete table of this information by visiting the About Page. The table below presents the overall population for Oscoda City, Michigan. You can also find other statistics and data about Oscoda City, Michigan.

The population of Oscoda City, Michigan, is approximately 9,000 residents. The city is located in Oscoda County, which was established in 1840 by an act of the Michigan State legislature. It took another four decades for the county to complete its governing structure. The county was named after Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, a US geographer and Indian agent who helped survey and name newly established counties.

The county is the second largest in Michigan. The county seat of Oscoda is Mio, a small town in the center of the county. The county has a population of about 8,219, making it the sixth least populated county in Michigan. The city's median home value is $70,400, and the county has seen growth of 4.2% over the past decade.

The per capita income in Oscoda City is nearly $6,000, making it the second highest city in the state. Oscoda City has an estimated 8% unemployment rate. The city has several hotels and restaurants, including the Ausable River Resort, located at 718 West River Road. And there are many other things to see and do in Oscoda City, MI. Consider visiting Oscoda City, Michigan today!