Wolverine Lake, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can learn more about the population and steets of Wolverine Lake, Michigan by exploring its demographics. As of 2019, Wolverine Lake, Michigan is home to 4.65k people and is 98.6% white. The median age is 43.6 and the median household income is $85,019. The city is home to a mixture of white and Hispanic residents, and the following chart shows the seven races in the area.

The most common occupations in Wolverine Lake, MI are sales, office and administrative support occupations, and management occupations. The percentage of women in each occupation group is -1.25%, which is significantly lower than that in other nearby geographies. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders earn the second highest salary, followed by Asians. Both groups are growing in the city, though the city's population remains relatively stable.

The median age of residents in Wolverine Lake, MI is 43.6, with native-born citizens being 42 and foreign-born citizens being 60. As you can see, the city is getting older. The median age of residents in Wolverine Lake, MI was 42 in 2018. While foreign-born residents are mostly white, there are also 0.4% of Hispanic and 2.5% of two-race citizens.

The majority of people in Wolverine Lake City are White or Hispanic, with some ethnic groups including Romanians and Poles. The neighborhood's highest concentration of people of Polish ancestry is Wolverine Lake West. This neighborhood is home to more than one Polish restaurant. For more information on the area's ethnicity, visit the Census Bureau's website.