Alborn, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Alborn is relatively low. This is not surprising, considering that the city is located in a small rural area. However, the large metropolitan areas have relatively higher populations than smaller towns. You can check out the crime statistics for Alborn in the city below. There is also a crime map in the city that will help you see where the most crime is concentrated. It can be useful if you want to see how much crime is committed in Alborn by district.

The median age of residents in Alborn is 46.9, which is older than the national median age of 38.6. In addition, the median age of residents in Alborn is slightly higher than the national median of 38.2, which is 47.8 years. The median age of Alborn citizens is also higher than the national average, at 46.9 years. Alborn residents are mostly white, with 0.2% being black, Asian, and Hispanic. Their educational levels are fairly high, with an average of eight years of school. However, 65% of these people dropped out of college.

Alborn is a small port city complex in northeastern Minnesota. Its climate is moderate, with the mildest months being July and August. The coldest month is January, but the city still retains its industrial and commercial character. It has an estimated population of 461 people, and it has grown 12.1% since the year 2020. This city is home to numerous large companies. There are also many small businesses in the area.