Alvarado, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Alvarado is 10,1% smaller than Texas's. The city's average height is 33.5 feet. The population of Alvarado City is approximately 42,000 people. Alvarado is home to a diverse community. You'll find a variety of activities, events, and historical sites to visit in this area. For more information on the population of Alvarado, see the information below.

The population of Alvarado is about 3,785 as of the 2010 Census. The city is served by the Alvarado Independent School District. There are no colleges or universities in Alvarado, but residents do pay the Hill College maintenance tax and enjoy in-district student rates. There are three public schools in Alvarado. The city is located in Johnson County. Almost half of its residents live in Alvarado, Texas.

Alvarado is located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The city has a population of 4,282 people, of which 2,144 are women and 2,138 are men. The median age of Alvarado residents is 34.7 years old. Compared to the national average, Alvarado has a lower population density than other cities in Texas. While there are many neighborhoods in Alvarado, you can find plenty of options in Alvarado for rent.

The population of Alvarado, TX is comprised of 1,388 households. Of those households, 1,184 are family households and 204 are non-family households. The median household income is $57,653 per year and the median housing price is $842 a month. Despite these statistics, the population of Alvarado, TX is relatively young. A majority of residents are 16 years old or younger and have a high school education. Approximately 15% of residents of Alvarado have a college degree, whereas only a few residents have a Master's Degree.