Ashby, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can find a lot of information about the population of Ashby City by looking at its statistics. For instance, Ashby City has a total population of 35,693, which is about 34% of the total population of Massachusetts. It is also ranked third in terms of number of households and its average age. In terms of its sexes, Ashby has a high percentage of married couples, but a low percentage of singles.

For people interested in housing statistics, Ashby City has a low percentage of vacant homes. However, there are many rental apartments available. The number of vacant homes is also low, with an average of 0.7 units per home. Ashby is a good choice for people who are looking for a nice home, as you will be able to find a great rental apartment within your price range. You can also check the eviction rates in Ashby City to see if it is worth it to purchase a home.

The weather is great in Ashby. On average, temperatures do not exceed 50 Fdeg. During the winter, Ashby receives 24.4 inches of precipitation. Snowfall occurs on an average of 27.1% of the year. Humidity stays below 60% on 167 days and above 60 percent on 45.9% of the year. As a result, residents of Ashby are generally happy and comfortable.