Askov, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are in Askov City, Minnesota, you might be wondering: What is the population of Askov? Here is a quick breakdown of the city's population. The median age of people in Askov is 48.3 years old, which is lower than the state average of 51.9 years. The average number of family members is also lower, at 2.36. The median age of single women in Askov is slightly higher than that of single men, which is also lower than the state average.

In 1910, dairy farming was Askov's main economic activity. The city built the first dairy cooperative, which was the area's main source of income. Askov also supplemented its dairy industry with mixed intensive farming. Nearly all of the city's streets have Danish names. These Danish names have stuck around, and the city still boasts a vibrant economy. For this reason, Askov is one of the most livable cities in Minnesota.

In 2011, Askov had a higher percentage of singles than the state average. While the state of Minnesota ranks third in terms of diversity, Askov is low in Native people. This is due in large part to the fact that Askov is a smaller city. This may not sound like much, but the statistics show that Askov is home to a large Asian population. Despite the small size, Askov has a high percentage of citizens who identify themselves as American.