Barnum, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Barnum is relatively small compared to other cities in Minnesota. Compared to neighboring Moose Lake, it is about 4.8% smaller than the average. In terms of the racial makeup of the city, 61.1% of people identify as white, 12.3% as Black or African American, and 5.4% as Hispanic or Latino. In addition, there are about 2.6% of residents who identify as other races or ethnicities. The census asks citizens to report their ancestry. The most common ancestry in Barnum is Finnish, German, and Norwegian.

In terms of age distribution, Barnum is among the most diverse cities in Minnesota. Its high percentage of single people is similar to the national average, but a higher proportion of single people lives in Moose Lake. In addition, Barnum has a lower birth rate than other cities in the region. The median age is 36.2%, which is lower than the national average. And, if you're curious about what age groups live in the city, the Census Bureau offers a breakdown of ages for most local communities.

While Barnum City has a relatively low rate of poverty, it still boasts a high home ownership rate and high household income. Despite the declining quality of the neighborhood, housing values remained higher than the rest of Denver, making Barnum a desirable place for people looking for affordable housing. And the community grew with newcomers from other parts of the United States. The Concerned Citizens of Barnum City was formed to foster these relations and press neighborhood concerns to City Hall.