Beaver Creek, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Beaver Canyon City include a mix of people from different ages. In 2010, the city had a total population of 297 residents, with 117 households and 86 families. The average housing density in Beaver Canyon City is 244.0 people per square mile, or 94.2 per square kilometer. The city is mostly white, with 97.5% of its population being white. The gender make-up is roughly equal, with 47.9% males and 47.5% females.

The median household income in Beavercreek is $740 per month. This figure is lower than the state's average of 77.6%, and it is similar to the rent burden in neighboring cities such as Iona, Dell Rapids, and Roseville. The median gross rent is $1,368 per month, or $3,465 a year. There are many things to consider when deciding whether or not to live in Beavercreek.

Population & Steets in Beavercreek is 46,549, with an estimated growth rate of 8.31% since the 2010 census. Beavercreek is a family-oriented city, with 86% of its population being white, 5% black, and 3% Asian. A large percentage of residents are married, with a median age of 42.1 years. Males and females are roughly equal in age, although women are slightly older.