Bellechester, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This page provides information on the Population & Steets of Bellechester City, Minnesota. The data is broken down by category, including house, apartment, mobile home, and room. The poverty rate for Bellechester is lower than the national average of 14.1%. There are also statistics on crime and coronavirus in every state. The table below shows the breakdown by category for Bellechester. This data will help you find out which parts of the city have a higher or lower percentage of people living below the poverty line.

The population of Bellechester is diverse, with 61.1% of residents identifying as white, 12.3% as black, 5.4% as Asian, and 0.2% as Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander. The remaining population is Hispanic, making up 17.8% of the population. The city is located near Minneapolis, which makes it easy to get to. Getting to know the neighborhood will give you a better idea of what you can expect if you decide to buy a home in Bellechester.

The population of Bellechester City is also changing. The number of eviction cases is decreasing, although some addresses may have several eviction cases in a given year. However, this decrease is much less dramatic than the eviction rate for neighboring cities. This decline can be explained by the fact that some residents work in other cities. The highest paying industry in Bellechester, MN is Transportation & Warehousing.