Bertha, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the Population & Steets in Berta City? If not, read on to find out. This page will give you the facts about Bertha City, Minnesota. Listed below are the population, income, and more statistics. In addition to these demographics, you can also learn about the schools in Bertha City and nearby areas. There is also information on the median gross rent in Bertha.

Bertha, MN is home to a total of 635 people of different races. Out of these residents, 52.0% identify as male and 48.0% as female. This ratio is a bit higher than the average for U.S. cities, which are roughly 50:50. Regardless of the gender makeup of the city, there are some key statistics that can give you a sense of the culture and diversity of the people in Bertha.