Blackduck, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for the population of Blackduck, you'll probably be wondering where you can find the most information about the city. Below you'll find important data regarding the area's overall demographics. The average number of people in each neighborhood is roughly eighty-four. If you're wondering how many of these people are married, take a look at the following chart. It will show you how many men and women are single in Blackduck City.

If you're interested in knowing how many Asian people live in Blackduck City, you'll be happy to learn that the city has a 2.6% Asian population. The population of Blackduck is approximately eight hundred and eighty-four people, which is not surprisingly very small considering its size. It's a good bet that this percentage will continue to rise. After all, it's always better to know what your neighbors are eating, even if you're not!

As for crime, there's no way to compare the number of murders per resident in Blackduck, but there are some places where crime rates may seem higher. This is especially true if you live in a neighborhood with fewer retail stores, which tends to be high-crime areas. The truth is that crime rates are higher in these areas, because people are more likely to be in these areas.

The ZIP code for Blackduck is 56630. This is the area's official USPS name. This city is part of Beltrami County, Minnesota. It is located at 156 First Street North East. As you can see, there are six elementary schools and one high school within this zip code. The USPS prefers the name "D" in these ZIP codes. The other three digits of the ZIP code are the school name and the area's postal code.