Blomkest, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Blomkest is a city located in Kandiyohi County, Minnesota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 157. The city has a total area of 1.0 square miles (2.7 km2). The land is flat to slightly rolling, and Big Kandiyohi Lake lies to the northeast of the town. The main routes in Blomkest include Minnesota State Highway 7 and U.S. Route 71.

The majority racial group is white. The majority of residents are White, although some minorities may be present. The majority of Blomkest's residents are White (Hispanic), with the remaining population grouped in other races. The most common occupations are Farming, Fishing, and Forestry, with 24 people employed in each. Production occupations comprise 11 of the total population.

The median home value in Blomkest, MN was $97,000 in 2019, 0.403 times smaller than the national average. It increased from $92,000 to $97,000 over the past year. One hundred percent of Blomkest residents have health insurance, with 38.2% on employee plans, 7.64% on Medicaid, and 26.4% on non-group plans. One in five people in Blomkest owns a vehicle.

Listed below is the list of cities and towns that are closest to Blomkest, MN. The center of each city is within 70 miles of the city. These cities are convenient if you are taking a road trip or reserving a flight. You can also find more information about the local area by searching for a city 100 miles away from Blomkest.