Bovey, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the statistics shows that the population of Bovey City, Minnesota, is around 830 people. The median household income is $33,625 per person. While crime rates may seem high, they are not always indicative of a dangerous neighborhood. The population is more concentrated in the north of the city, where there are more retail establishments. As a result, the crime rate in these areas may be inflated.

Bovey's population is comprised of both renters and homeowners. Renters make up the majority of the population, which means that they pay less than the average income. The median gross rent for Bovey is about $628 per month. In 2010, Bovey had a low poverty rate of 18.1%. The poverty rate for Minnesota was only 7.29%. While Bovey is a lower-income community than neighboring towns, the median income is still higher than in many of its neighbors.

The median age was 33.5 years, and there were approximately 300 households. Of those households, 25.3% of residents were under 18 years of age. Another 10.3% were female householders who were living alone. Forty-two percent of households were non-families, and 44.0% of residents were 65 years old or older. There were also 18.6% single adults living alone. Overall, males outnumbered females by 92.2%.

In 2010, the median gross rent in Bovey, MN was $613 per month, with a small minority owning two cars, while the highest percentage was a false car. Eighty percent of Bovey City households are covered by health insurance. Thirty-eight percent of the population has employer-provided insurance, while twenty-five percent is covered by Medicaid and 11.3% has a military or VA plan.