Braham, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Braam City are listed below. These statistics are important in determining the quality of life in Braham City. The city's population is comprised of a diverse range of ethnic groups. A majority of people identify themselves as white. Approximately 12.3% of the population are black. Other ethnic groups include American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. About 17.8% of the population is Hispanic and 2.6% are unknown.

According to the 2010 census, there were 4,568 residents in the city. The median age was 26.5. The median household income was $44,545. A third of the population was considered poor in 2011. A quarter of the population lived in poverty. Approximately 25.1% of the population was living below the federal poverty line. Another quarter lived below the poverty line, making up twenty-six percent of the city's population. Those with an education were more likely to own a home and to be employed. Those who did not graduate from high school were more likely to live in poverty.

The city is known as the "Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota." It is a quiet small town setting, with around 1,800 residents. The town is located 50 miles north of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. There are a number of businesses in Braham. For those looking for a quiet lifestyle, Braham is the perfect place to relocate. When you visit the town, make sure to stop by and see what's on offer.