Brimson, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Brimson City? You can find out by reading the Population & Steets in Brimson City page. The demographics for this city are based on the latest U.S. Census data from the American Community Survey. These statistics are updated annually, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy. This article will provide you with the most recent population statistics for Brimson.

If you're looking to find out the rate of violent crime in Brimson City, you'll find that it's comparable to that of surrounding cities. The violent crime rate in Brimson is 4.84 per thousand residents, which means it's less safe than the state average. In terms of overall safety, Brimson is comparable to the state average. In terms of population, though, the city is a bit less safe than other similar-sized cities.

Listed below are the population and steets in Brimson. The population of this unincorporated community is primarily white, with a small percentage of minorities. The number of children under the age of 18 is extremely small. There are few single parents in the area, and the number of elderly residents is very low. The percentage of people living alone is very small, and the vacancy rate is high.