Brook Park, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you think of Brook Park, Ohio, you probably imagine a large city complex. It sits along the shore of Lake Erie and is very pleasant to be in during the months of June, September, and August. You can also count on being comfortable in January and February. The most common foreign-born origins are China, Mexico, and India. However, Brook Park is home to a diverse range of residents from all over the world.

The median age of residents in Brook Park, Ohio, was 35.1 years. Twenty-six percent of households had children under the age of 18. Thirty-four percent were married couples. Twenty-four percent were non-families and twenty-one percent were single. Twelve percent of households were made up of senior citizens. And the median household size was 2.78. So, if you want to know more about the Brook Park community, you can look into the data above.

There are many statistics about the city's poverty levels. In 2006, the median income was $48,500, which was lower than the national average. However, this figure does not compare favorably with other neighborhoods. While money is important in this world, it's not everything. In Brook Park, OH, it's difficult for residents to live beyond their means. However, there are many ways to make money.

The town is divided into five wards, which are largely populated by low-income individuals. The central ward has an unbroken border with downtown, while the north and east wards are separated by the railroad tracks. The west and south wards do not share any borders with the city center. The rest of the town is considered residential. Despite its low-income status, Brook Park City remains a thriving community.