Brookston, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Brookston is approximately a quarter of the total population of Indiana. In terms of racial makeup, Brookston has a mixed ethnicity. Residents report being of White, Asian, Irish, French, and Scottish ancestry. English is the predominant language spoken in the city, but other important languages include Polish, Spanish, and other languages. The local economy is primarily based on agriculture, but the city is home to a variety of industries.

As for cost of living, Brookston has a lower cost of living than the national average and most cities in the state. While some areas are higher than others on a state and federal level, the overall cost of housing, utilities, groceries, and miscellaneous items in Brookston are lower than the national average. In addition, the cost of transportation is much lower than average in the city. Residents have higher quality of life in Brookston than in many other cities in the area.

The median age in Brookston is 31 years, with a small percentage of people older than 65. The average family size is 2.9. The town is the second most diverse in Indiana. However, residents of Brookston are mostly young adults, and the median age is only 31 years old. In addition, residents of Brookston are more likely to be male than female. Despite being small in size, Brookston offers many amenities, including banks, churches, and shopping centers.