Buckman, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Buckman City, Minnesota are compiled from the latest census data available. This information comes from the American Community Survey (ACS), which is updated yearly. Please note that these statistics are not guaranteed to be up-to-date. The Buckman City, Minnesota, population is comprised of 208 people, and there are 73 households in this city. To learn more about Buckman, read on!

There are some benefits to living in Buckman. Buckman is a compact, walkable community with excellent public transportation. Because of its close proximity to downtown Portland, Buckman has a cosmopolitan feel. With a population density of nearly 11,000 people per square mile, the area has great potential for growth and development. While this area is growing in terms of its population, it maintains a small town feel and an "uniquely Portland" vibe.

Despite the growing popularity of downtown Portland, the majority of Buckman residents rent apartments. While this is not a particularly cheap neighborhood, it has a strong sense of community and transit-oriented amenities. The median income in Buckman is thirty percent lower than the city average, a factor that might be holding back a new version of exclusionary zoning. Portland's historic preservation reform is aimed at giving local historic districts more meaning.

The median age of residents was 30.3 years, and the gender distribution was similar between men and women. There were 10.3% of children under the age of eighteen and 8% of females under the age of twenty-four. Eighteen percent of the population was between thirty-four and sixty-four years of age. Moreover, 9.3% of the city's residents were 65 years old and older. The city's median household size was 2.84.