Clarkfield, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Clarkfield City, Minnesota, you may want to know the population and steets breakdown of the city. According to Radaris, there are 903 people in Clarkfield. The male population is 43.0%, while the female population is 57.0%. This breakdown is similar to the state's overall ratio of 49.7% to 50.3%, and the average for the U.S. is 5.12%.

There are 14 results for Clarkfield, Minnesota. The zip code is 56223 and belongs to the Multi-county area. When searching for a specific address, try using the zip extension plus the last four numbers of the address. To find the zip extension of a certain address, use the Quick Select feature, which can help you narrow down the results. A few other useful options for finding the zip code of a specific address are:

The racial makeup of the city is somewhat mixed, with the majority of people belonging to the White and Native American races. However, other important ancestries are Norwegian, Swedish, German, and French Canadian. English is the dominant language in the city, but there are other important languages spoken as well. One such language is Spanish. It is important to note that the city has a large Hispanic population, and a small proportion of Black residents.

Located in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota, the city of Clarkfield is a family-friendly community with a booming economy. The median home value in Clarkfield is $76,900. Its median household income is $668 a month. The median age of residents is 36.1 years, with males averaging 35 years old. The average home appreciation over the last 10 years is 5.1%.