Dovray, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the population of Dovray City is like? Find out what types of people live in this Minnesota town, including its demographics, average income, and crime rates. The following table breaks down some statistics of the population of Dovray. This information is based on the latest available rebased population figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, which recalculates data based on census block data.

The city of Dovray, Minnesota is home to around 1,322 people. The median home value is $75,583 and the average household size is 2.22 people. The population of Dovray, Minnesota is projected to decrease by -1.1 percent in the next decade. The racial makeup of the town is very diverse, with almost 9% of residents being White or Black. The population of Dovray is approximately 0.89 percent male and 0.79 percent female.

Dovray, MN is not directly connected to a major airport. Nonetheless, the city is only eighty-two miles away from a major airport, so there is a chance that you can find flights to the city nearest to Dovray. In case you can't find a direct flight to Dovray, MN, you can search for flights to nearby cities and find one that will be within a day's journey.

Dovray, MN is home to the largest proportion of US-born citizens. The city has the highest percentage of US-born residents in the Midwest, followed by Avoca (14%) and Currie, MN. Among the top ten most populous cities, Dovray ranks second in terms of its average household size. But if you're looking for the most divorced population in Dovray, Minnesota, there are more statistics to consider.