Elbow Lake, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Elbow Lake City, Minnesota, you have come to the right place. Elbow Lake is a county seat in the state of Minnesota. The city is situated along U.S. Highway 59 and Minnesota State Highways 55 and 79. Its total area is 1.34 square miles. The elevation is 1,220 feet above sea level.

As of the 2010 census, the population of Elbow Lake, MN was 980 people of voting age. This means that the median age was 40 years old for both natives and foreign-born residents. About 18.9% of residents were 65 years old or older. The race and ethnicity breakdown for the city is 45.9% white, 8.3% non-Hispanic, 0.6% American Indian, and 0.2% black.

The highest percentage of residents at the poverty level is White. The lowest percentage of residents lives near the city's recreational areas, which means that crime rates may be higher than the area. But, crime rates in Elbow Lake may not be as high as they seem, because crime happens where people are. For more detailed information on Elbow Lake, MN's poverty rate, browse the statistics below.

The median income in Elbow Lake, MN is $57,746, which is less than the average income for males in the state of Minnesota. It is also lower than the average income for women in the city. Only 4.1% of Elbow Lake households earn more than their male counterparts. Despite this low income, 68.9% of the population is employed in a job. Eighty-one percent of people in Elbow Lake hold a high school degree, and 16.1% have a bachelor's degree or professional level.