Esko, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to know the Population & Steets in Eski City? The following article will answer these questions and more. You can learn more about the people and places in this Minnesota city by reading the statistics related to the area. It is a census-designated place in Carlton County. The population of Esko City is 1,869 people. If you are planning to move to Esko City, here is how to find out the population and the stats.

The number of renter-occupied housing units in Esko City is 9.8% in 2010. This means that more people are renting a house than in the past. However, the percentage is higher than in neighboring cities. Keewatin has 15.9% of renter-occupied housing units while Esko has 55. Overall, this Minnesota city has a low crime rate. The crime rate in Esko is comparable to other towns and cities in Minnesota.

The racial group with the highest percentage of people living below the poverty line in Esko, MN is White. In comparison, the number of people who live in Esko who are not employed is 2.29 percent. The majority of people who are living in poverty in Esko, MN are 35-44 year old males, while the lowest proportion is 65-64 year old females.

Among the population of Esko City, the percentage of white residents is 1.37%. The median income of a female is $56,881 - this is significantly lower than the national average. The median property value in Esko, MN is $222,000, which is 0.923 times smaller than the national average. The percentage of people who own their homes is 91 percent, which is higher than the national average. Car ownership is the lowest, with an average of 2 cars per household.