Eyota, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Eyota City is 1,700 people. There is a grocery store coming to town in August and it will compete with Wal-Mart and SuperTarget in Rochester, Minnesota. The city is in Olmsted County, Minnesota. The area code is 507 and the zip code is classified as a Middle class zip code. Its current unemployment rate is 1.3%, which is lower than the state and county rates of 3.0% and 1.6%, respectively.

The median household income in Eyota is $64,214, which makes it a moderately wealthy area. This city is home to 10.6% of people of Hispanic origin. As for its ethnic makeup, 94.6% of residents identify as white. Other racial groups are 1.7% black, 0.8% Asian, and 0.8% Two or more races. Three percent of the population is Hispanic. Among Eyota City residents, 4.3% of residents live below the poverty line. Child poverty in this city is also a problem. Approximately 2.6% of families in Eyota are living below the poverty line.

A quick look at a city's court filings will provide you with vital information. For example, a city in Wisconsin has about the same number of evictions each year. Eyota is home to nearly as many evictions as Kenyon and Racine combined. The high rate of evictions may indicate that the economy is suffering. The population of Eyota is 1,977 people.