Foxhome, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To learn more about the people of Foxhome City, MN, check out the following statistics. The city's population is just 98 people, but there are more than that living in neighboring towns and cities. The table below lists the population and steets of these cities, with their respective areas of interest. Located within 118 miles of Foxhome City, these cities are convenient for traveling between, and for booking flights between.

The median annual household income in Foxhome, MN is $70,833, which is higher than the median annual income in the United States. That figure has risen by 3.03% from $68,750 in 2018 to $76,837 in 2019. The chart below shows the percentage of each race and ethnicity in Foxhome City, MN, as well as the median income for these groups. In 2019, the most common foreign-born nationality was Mexico, with 30,889 residents coming from the country.

Compared to other cities, Foxhome is safe. Unlike other Canadian cities, this city's crime rate is considerably lower than its neighboring cities. With only a small amount of retail space, Foxhome has very few stores and retail establishments. This means that crime rates in these areas may be higher than those in other neighborhoods. However, red does not necessarily mean that residents of Foxhome are in danger.

The median age of its residents is 47.3 years. Twenty percent of the population was younger than eight, compared with 6.9% for female householders who are single. The remaining percent of residents were between 25 and 44 years old, with 28.3% of all households being non-families. One percent of households consisted of senior citizens, while eight percent were under the age of 18.