Frazee, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the population of Frazee City will show that 88.8% of its residents are white, while only 0.7% are black or Hispanic. The average household income is $41,200, while the median household income is $50,695. The percentage of households that own a home is also a factor to consider in local advertising. Despite the high proportion of home ownership, a good share of Frazee's residents report having no college or university degrees.

The poverty rate in Frazee is 11.3%, which is lower than that of neighboring cities Fosston and Dent, which have higher poverty rates. However, the median gross rent for Frazee is $568 per month. While Frazee is one of the cheapest cities in Minnesota, a majority of residents still pay too much for rent. This is a sign of a failing economy.

The US Census Bureau estimates that the median age for residents in Frazee City is 36.7 years. Eight percent of the population is under the age of 18, while twenty-four percent is between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-three percent of the population is between the ages of 45-64, and eighteen percent is 65 years old or older. The city's gender balance is 45.4% male and 54.6% female.

The reconstruction of Frazee Street is scheduled to begin in mid-summer. The work is expected to take approximately eight to ten weeks. The city is currently experiencing a number of road closures during the reconstruction process. The project will affect Willow Street, Frazee Street, and Holmes Street. During construction, the intersection between Willow Street and Rossman Avenue will be closed. The city's residents should plan ahead, as these roads will be closed during construction.