Good Thunder, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out the Population & Steets of Good Thunder City, Minnesota? If so, read this article. The Good Thunder area has a population of 1,509, with 352 households. The median home value is $139,444. The average household size is 2.73, and there are approximately 1.001 males for every one female. In addition, the good Thunder area has a high school graduation rate of 83%.

The city's population is fairly well-educated, with 45% of residents completing college or university. Another 6% completed a doctorate, master's, or professional degree. Good Thunder's occupations are split into three general categories. One-third of workers in Good Thunder are in service industries. The other third are in blue-collar roles. Overall, the city's population is comprised of a mixture of both genders.