Hardwick, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To help you find out the population and steets of Hardwick City, check out the crime map below. It shows the most dangerous and safest areas of town. You can also find out how safe Hardwick is compared to nearby cities. Hardwick's crime rate is lower than the national average, but it still varies based on the area you're in. Here is a look at the crime map and how it compares to other cities in the area.

The vacancy rate of Hardwick is 13.5%, which is higher than the national average of 70.1%. This means that there is a high supply of available housing and a low demand. Hardwick is considered impoverished if a family's income is less than that level. The most common racial groups in Hardwick are Whites, followed by Hispanics, and then Other people.

Poverty rate shows the percentage of people living below the poverty line. The lower the poverty rate, the more prosperous a society is. The current poverty rate in Hardwick City is 24.2%, lower than the average for the state. Vermont's current poverty rate is 7.34%. However, if you're interested in finding out the poverty rate of a city, you should check the official government website.

The median property value in Hardwick, CA is $97,736. The homeownership rate of Hardwick is 42.7%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. A median commute time is 19.3 minutes, and an average household owns two cars. It's easy to see why Hardwick is a good place to raise a family. This city is home to many military members who served in the Vietnam War.