Heron Lake, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking to buy a house in Heron Lake City, MN, you need to know how much property is worth. The median home value in this city is $73,900, which is 0.307 times smaller than the national average. You'll find that the homeownership rate is 72.8%, which is slightly higher than the national average. Most residents drive to work alone, which is great for those who have trouble walking. The average household value is $38,000.

Heron Lake is home to around 669 residents, with a median age of 39.0. It has a lower percent foreign-born population than most other cities in Minnesota. Its highest percentage is found in Dundee, which has a median age of 51.2. Still, Heron Lake is a much more diverse city than Dundee. In terms of jobs, the population is primarily composed of Production & Extraction Occupations, but there are also several Management Occupations.

Heron Lake's median annual income is $51,250. This is less than the national average of $65,712 for households. It is also more affordable than many surrounding cities, with a median price of $73,900. The median age of the population is 35.5 years, with males and females averaging 32.4 years old and 41.7 years old. Heron Lake is home to a large number of people, with the majority of residents living in single-family homes.