Keewatin, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Kewatin City? The population of Keewatin, MN is 1.11k people. The median household income in Keewatin, MN is $38,870. The largest industries in Keewatin, MN are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Construction. The highest paying industries in Keewatin, MN are Construction, Finance & Insurance, and Professional, Scientific, and Management Services.

The crime rate in Keewatin City is lower in the center of the city than in the north. While crime rates are higher in the downtown area, there are only three crimes a year in Keewatin's northeast neighborhood. This may cause the crime map to appear overly high because Keewatin has only a few retail businesses. Also, the number of crimes in red areas does not necessarily indicate a high risk to residents of Keewatin.

The median commute time in Keewatin, MN is 18 minutes. This is significantly less than the state average of 25 minutes. Most residents use their vehicle for transportation to work. A car or truck is the most common form of transportation for Keewatin residents. This chart shows how households in Keewatin, MN are distributed by car ownership. Approximately 60% of households in Keewatin own a car.

The population of Keewatin City, Minnesota, is expected to reach 1,007 by 2022. This city is home to the largest taconite steel pellet mining operation in the state. Keewatin's name is a derivative of Keewaydin, which means "Northwest wind" or "home wind." It was the name of a former large Canadian district on the western side of Hudson Bay. The epic poem The Song of Hiawatha also included references to Keewatin.