Lakefield, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Census Bureau has released data for the population and steets of Lakefield City, MN. The city's population is 901 people and has a poverty rate of 4.6%. The median household income is $43,764, and the highest paid industries are Utilities, Sales & Related Occupations, and Manufacturing. However, the poverty rate varies significantly among different areas.

The total area of Lakefield, Minnesota is 1.1 square miles (2.8 square kilometers). The population is composed of a mixture of residential and commercial areas. The city is a suburb of Minneapolis and is surrounded by other suburban communities. The total number of people living in Lakefield is 5.74% lower than the state average. The city's steets and population percentages are based on geonames, which is an international database that records geographical information.

The per capita income in Lakefield, MN was $26,444 in 2018. This is lower middle class compared to the rest of the US and Minnesota. A family of four would earn $105,776 per year. Lakefield contains both rich and poor residents. The city's ethnic composition includes individuals and families of many races. The majority of Lakefield residents are White, followed by Black or African-Americans, and two or more races.

The population of the ZIP code 56150 is mainly white. The number of seniors and middle-aged individuals is very high. The population of single-parent families is slightly higher than the national average. There are a few single-parent households and single-adults. The rate of vacancies is lower than average. There are a number of nursing homes in the area. If you are interested in the population of Lakefield, MN, you can visit the Census and see if it is home to any nursing homes.