Red Wing, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Redwing City, MN? Do you want to compare cities? These cities are all within 36 miles of Red Wing City. These cities are convenient for traveling between airports and smaller towns. Find out where each of them stands in relation to each other. Below, you'll find important demographic data about the city. This information is compiled from the most recent American Community Survey. While the information we provide is not guaranteed to be completely accurate, you can be assured that it is up to date and reliable.

The City of Red Wing is located on the Mississippi River and surrounded by limestone bluffs. Red Wing was founded as a riverfront trading center and has many historic buildings. Before the arrival of the railroads, the city was home to more than a million bushels of wheat. When railroads connected Red Wing with Minneapolis, the port of Red Wing experienced a decline in importance. The city became a hub for grain and later a flour mill in nearby Saint Anthony.

According to the most recent census, the median age of residents of Red Wing City was 41.8 years old. Twenty-four percent of the city's population was under the age of eighteen. Twenty-six percent of the population was between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-five percent of the city's population was 45-64 years old, while 16.5% of the population was 65 and older. Despite its size, the city's gender ratio is high and includes males (47.6%) and females (51.8%).