Redwood Falls, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Redwood Falls City? Are you interested in finding out what the population and steets are? Here are some interesting facts about Redwood Falls. Also, find out where to eat in Redwood Falls. You can learn more about the city and its residents with this useful guide. And if you're looking to find a place to stay, check out the Redwood Falls map.

The median property value in Redwood Falls, MN is $104,100. This is 0.433 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate is 67.5% and most people commute alone. Residents drive an average of 13.8 minutes to work. The median number of cars per household is two. The population of Redwood Falls, MN is 4.99k. Only 1.66% of its residents were born outside the U.S.

Redwood Falls was first opened to white settlers in 1851. In 1855, the U.S. government built a gristmill and sawmill in the area. In 1854, Sam McPhail established the first newspaper in the city, the Redwood Falls Patriot. In 1869, he also became the county's first attorney and served as its probate judge. The Minnesota Inventors Hall of Fame is located in the city's former poor farm.

The median age of all residents of Redwood Falls, MN is 39.3 years. Compared to the national average of 26.4%, the median age of residents in Redwood Falls, MN is lower than the state average of 27.9%. The median home value is $124,500 and has appreciated 5.3% in the last ten years. There are many benefits to living in Redwood Falls, MN!