Spicer, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for a map of the population and steets of Spicer City? Spicer has a fairly low population and is relatively safe. Crime is a bit lower than the national average in Spicer and the city has a low crime rate. Crime rates in Spicer are calculated based on self-identification, so you'll find that areas in red are more dangerous than those in yellow. The map also provides data on racial diversity scores.

The median property value in Spicer, MN was $178,600 in 2019, which is about 0.743 times smaller than the national average. In addition, the homeownership rate is higher in Spicer than in the rest of the country - 71.7% of households live in the city. The average commute time is 19.6 minutes, and most people drive alone. There are two cars per household.

The population of Spicer is comprised of about 1,100 residents. The town has a public marina and shares a high school with neighboring New London. Its main street runs along the shores of Green Lake, and is lined with lakeside restaurants and spas. Its median household income is $54,020, which is about 9% of the state's average. However, it is important to remember that poverty is still a huge issue in Spicer, MN.

Approximately 100% of the population of Spicer, MN is a US citizen. This number is higher than the national average and is consistently increasing, despite the small population. This city also has a large proportion of people who were born in foreign countries. In fact, the state has a high percentage of Vietnam veterans. The median age in Spicer, MN is 47.3 years old. However, it's difficult to estimate the number of military personnel, which is why Spicer, MN is higher than the national average.