Stewartville, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Stewartville, Minnesota? The 2010 census recorded a population of 5,916. The city's population is expected to reach 6,095 by 2020. The city is located in Olmsted County. Stewartville is a suburb of Minneapolis. For more information about the city, see the table below. The map will give you a better idea of the population in the city.

The city is located in southeastern Minnesota, 45 miles from Wisconsin and 35 miles from Iowa. The economy of Stewartville is diversified, with the Mayo Clinic in the city covering 18 blocks of downtown. The Mayo Clinic is a major economic driver in the community, as well as a strong educational and healthcare presence. The poverty rate in Stewartville is 9.1%, which is slightly higher than the state average.

The median age of Stewartville's residents is 48.7 years old. Women make up 71.5% of the population, while men make up 77.1%. Stewartville is 6.7% smaller than the rest of the Twin Cities. However, there are many people who live in the city and are unemployed. Those people who are unemployed are the largest minority group in Stewartville. The city is home to nearly 2,000 people.