Taconite, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How much do you know about the Population & Steets in Taconnite City? Taconite is a city in Minnesota. The population is approximately 634 people. The median household income is $54,808 per year. The area is well-educated with an employment rate of 79.4%. The median home cost is $98,100 and home appreciation over the last 10 years is 5.2%.

The city is located on U.S. Highway 169 and is one of the whistlestop cities along Highway 169. Taconite was founded in 1907 and is one of several Range Cities. The Range Cities were formed parallel to the iron mining operations that began in Coleraine and spread northeastwards. Taconite is located near Holman Lake, a groundwater-flooded inactive mine south of town. The lake has a boat launch and public beach.

The taconite industry reached a low in 1982. After the decline, the town's population was reduced to 100 residents. Young families departed the town to look for work elsewhere. Older residents started to retire and Taconite Harbor began to resemble a ghost town. The town had been a thriving community for many years, but it began to fade away. There was not much to do in Taconite Harbor, and the streets were empty and unpaved.

The percentage of households that own a home in Taconite is slightly higher than the national average. The population has a low percentage of renters, at 24.5%. Compared to neighboring cities, Taconite's rent burden is higher than the national average of 29.2%. By contrast, neighbors Rutledge and Ironton have higher rent burdens than Taconite does.