Benoit, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Benait City, MS, you have come to the right place. Benoit is a town in Bolivar County, MS. There are many things you should know about this town. Its median house value is significantly lower than the state average. The city has a higher percentage of black residents than the state average. Its foreign-born population is much lower than the state average.

The median household income in Benoit, MS is $55,860. The median household income is $45,426. Benoit's median household income is $54,486. The median household income is $54,466. Benoit's poverty level is 1.4 times higher than the national average, making it an especially difficult place to live in if you're not a white man.

The study found that GHG emissions are a major issue in waste management. The indiscriminate dumping of MSW is an issue in many developing countries. Benin City residents' awareness of environmental issues was very low. Only 8.3% of respondents reported high awareness. It is important to note that GHG emissions are not the only problem that Benin City faces. There are several things that residents can do to combat the problem.

The ancient city of Benin was once the capital of an African empire. The Benin empire was one of the oldest states in the West Africa. It was known for its mathematical layout, and its earthworks were much longer than the Great Wall of China. It was also a center of the pre-colonial culture. It's important to note that the city has a rich history, including a vibrant economy and many cultural attractions.