Coffeeville, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Those interested in analyzing the population and steets of Coffeeville City should be aware of the fact that the community contains five hundred and sixteen people. Out of these people, 34.9% identify as black and 0.0% as Asian, Hispanic or Latino. Approximately 49% identify as white while the remaining 14.3% identify as two or more races. The most common race in Coffeeville City is white.

The population of Coffeeville City, Mississippi, is 802 people and has seen a decrease since the 2000 census. The poverty rate in this city is 26.3%, and children make up 22.8% of the community. The median household income in the city is $28,944 and the average household income is $38,577. The unemployment rate is around 3.29%, and the average high school graduation rate is 62%.

A free back-to-school rock concert was held in downtown Coffeeville on Aug. 18. The concert featured Allen Tribble, son of Scott and April Tribble. Allen was a viral hit on YouTube last spring when he performed "All My Exes Live in Texas" during a preschool program in Water Valley. The daughter of new county agent Brent Gray, Heather Gray, is also a local singer.

On June 28, the local Zoofari Earth came to town. This educational event brought live animals from six continents. Water Valley, Waterville, and Oakland continued to experience growth in their sales tax collections. Coffeeville City is also receiving more than a few new businesses. The city recently hired new Economic Development Director Bob Tyler and the Yalobusha County Board of Supervisors. Additionally, Brent Gray wrote a Growing Green column about the cotton harvest, including photos of the young pickers Justin Brooks and Coley Bailey.