Farrell, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out the population of Farrell City, you should first look at the census records. Those records show the number of people who live below the poverty line in this Pennsylvania town. The age at which people live in Farrell, PA varies from person to person. However, a family is defined as impoverished if the total income is less than the poverty threshold. The most common place of birth for a foreign-born resident in Farrell is India. The next most common place of birth is the Dominican Republic. The third most common foreign-born resident of Farrell City is China.

The median property value in Farrell, PA is $55,400, which is 0.23 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate in Farrell is 57%, which is lower than the national average. The average commute time is approximately 20 minutes, and there is one car per household. Overall, there are 4.68k residents living in Farrell. The median household income is $66,436.

In terms of income, males in the city of Farrell, PA earn an average of $28,715 a year. This represents a 0.469 percentage of the total population. The median household income in Farrell, PA is lower than the national average, which is $65,712.