Gattman, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is a brief overview of the population and steets of Gattman City, Mississippi. The area is fairly quiet, and is not overpopulated. There are few renters, young families, or college students in the area. The residents of Gattman City, MS are a mix of older people, families with children, and single adults. This makes the community a peaceful and tranquil place to live.

Those living below the poverty line include Blacks, Native Americans, and Whites. In the city of Gattman, MS, 0% of the population is hispanic. To determine if a person or family is living in poverty, the Census Bureau uses a series of income thresholds. Each threshold varies based on family size, and the percentage of people who fall below these thresholds are considered to be living in poverty. Among the 7 races that live in Gattman, the most common occupations are Production Occupations with ten residents. Another occupation is Building & Grounds Cleaning & Maintenance with seven residents.

The median household income in Gattman, MS is $42,917, which is below the national average. Those living in Gattman are predominantly White with a per capita income of $33,610. This means that a family of four can make $134,440 per year. According to census data, residents of Gattman, MS are predominantly White. Some people may have significant ancestry in Ireland, Scottish, or French.