Hermanville, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for a quick population and steets checkup for Hermanville? Using the online public data sources, you can find out how many people live in Hermanville, MS. You can also view crime rates for Hermanville by using a map. There are two crime maps: one for residents and one for day visitors. The crime map for Hermanville shows that the city is low on crime, but it doesn't show that there is a danger for residents. The area in red on the crime rate map is primarily where there are retail businesses and many people.

Hermanville is a small town in northwest Mississippi. Its population of approximately 2,000 people is comprised of 77 percent whites, 7% blacks, and 1% Hispanics. It is home to a mixture of white and blue-collar jobs, with an average household income of $40,909.

The zip code 39086 is officially named "HERMANVILLE" by the United States Postal Service. It covers a portion of the city and borders several other zip codes. Residents of this zip code are classified as Lower Middle Class. With this median income, it's easy to see why residents of Hermanville City, Mississippi are living comfortably in their homes. A median home price of $65,200 indicates a reasonable amount of home value for this area.