Minter City, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population and steets of Minter City, Mississippi, then you will need to consider the economic and demographic characteristics of the town. The city has a population of 537 people and a total of 252 households. The average household size is 3.02 people. The median housing value in the city is $76,250 and there are about 1.38 homeowners per thousand people.

The median age of Minter City is 33.6 years, which is lower than the national median age of 38.1. The median education level is higher than the national average. More than 25% of Minter City residents have a master's or doctorate degree. Depending on the occupation, about 50% of the population works in the service industry. The remaining three percent are employed in blue collar jobs. Minter City's median age is 33.6 years old, which is younger than the national average of 38.1 years.

The zip code for Minter City is 38944. The average commute time is 15.5 minutes. The median home price is $83,200. The city's average appreciation over the last 10 years is -7.1%. The city is part of the Greenwood, Mississippi, micropolitan area. The community has a large gated factory that occupies most of the land. There is a public boat launch in the town.