Noxapater, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many important statistics about the Population & Steets of Noxapater City, MS. The median household income is $27,917, while the average family income is $28,750. The percentage of people living in poverty in Noxapater varies depending on the size of the family and the composition of the household. The Census Bureau has established income thresholds that determine how poor the community is. The poverty rate is considered high if a family's income is below these thresholds. There are also several important facts about Noxapater's employment numbers.

The rate of violent crime in Noxapater City varies based on location. Some parts of the city are safer than others. The city's violent crime rate is much lower than surrounding cities. Noxapater has a lower crime rate than other cities of the same size in the Mississippi area. It also has a lower crime rate than the state and national averages. You can learn more about the population and steets of Noxapater by using the following table.

Noxapater, MS has a population of 417 people of voting age. The median home value in Noxapater, MS is $80,000. This is lower than the national average but is still much higher than the Mississippi average. The homeownership rate is 50.5%, which is lower than the national average. Noxapater's population includes only citizens, with only three residents born outside of the United States.