For more information on Paulding City, Ohio, see Population & Steets. This guide is a quick reference on the area. You'll find out how many people live in the city, as well as what the average income is for Paulding County residents. In addition, you'll find a list of nearby towns. Use this list to research the community and see which ones are closest to Paulding City, Ohio.
To get the most current population figures, visit the U.S. Census Bureau's site. This is the most reliable source of population information and is based on the most recent census figures. You'll also find information on local and state elections. By comparing the census blocks of each city, you can see which ones have the largest changes. A look at these numbers can help you understand where the town's residents live and work.
The population of Paulding City is 167,560. The city is located in northwestern Georgia, within the Atlanta metropolitan area. The city is home to the Paulding County government. Its population is estimated at 168,667 as of 2019.
In addition to the census data, you can find the Fair Market Rents of various neighborhoods in the area. Fair Market Rents are used by the HUD to determine housing costs in various areas. In Paulding, there are 1,551 households, with an average size of two people. The median income for these households is $3,249 per month. This means that the average person living in Paulding, Ohio has an income of $32,461 per year.