Pearl, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for Population & Steets in Pearl County, HI? The information you'll find here is based on the latest American Community Survey data. These statistics are updated yearly, but we cannot guarantee their accuracy. To get a more up-to-date list, we recommend visiting the U.S. Census Bureau. The population of Pearl City is made up of a diverse mix of residents of all races and backgrounds.

Poverty rates are determined by the Census Bureau and range from zero in the Northeast to nine in the far West. A lower poverty rate means a more prosperous society. For example, in Pearl City, the poverty rate was 4.1% for full-time workers, 4.34% for part-time workers, and 8.79% for those who are not employed. The most common job groups in Pearl City are office and administrative support occupations, followed by sales and related occupations, management occupations, and non-citizens.

Compared to other cities, Pearl City has a relatively small population. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a population of 44,956, which is nearly 4,900 people per square mile. Its median age is 37.5 years, and there are 3.2 people per household, compared to the US average of 2.6. Despite this, the city does have some unique characteristics. For instance, the median income per household is $1,908 a month.

As of the last Census, 96% of Pearl City, HI residents are US citizens. This figure is higher than the 67 percent state average, but it is improving. Pearl City is also home to many Vietnam veterans. In addition to these factors, residents of Pearl City, HI also have excellent public schools. The median property value in Pearl City was $667,000 in 2019.