Population & Steets in Sanderssville City are listed below. Find out what the population is in this city, and why it is important to know. This article contains information about Sandersville and Washington County, Georgia. This is a small town located in the Central Savannah River Area, Georgia. This is the county seat. In 2000, the population of Sandersville was 6,144. Known as the Kaolin Capital of the World, Sandersville was the largest city in the state.
The population of Sandersville is estimated to be around 2,245 in this city. The population is a mixture of white and black residents. The city has four industrial parks, and is close to interstate highways 16 and 20. Additionally, Sandersville is close to the Washington County airport. For businesses, Savannah, Georgia offers access to world markets. Savannah also has an international airport and port facilities. Agriculture and forestry remain important in the area, as is the district Department of Transportation complex. Snowfall is rare in this city, with less than an inch per year.
The census reported that the median household income was $32,462 in the year 2000. Males had a median household income of $36,089, while females had an average household income of $21,765. The median age was 37. The population was composed of both males and females. Thirty percent of households were non-families, and 13.3% of residents were elderly.